Shining a light on sustainability & impact

Expertise for your B Corp certification and sustainability journey.

The What

illume was founded to support SME businesses beginning or developing their sustainability strategy. Whether it is to achieve specific impact targets for your business, to begin your B Corp journey or to report on your impact, illume can provide the full support and guidance you need to achieve those goals.

The Why

Running your own business is all consuming and with an increasing responsibility for businesses to be more mindful of their environmental and social impact, demands on your time and complexity of workload is further increased.

This is where I come in, using my expertise to allow you the time and space to continue focusing on making your business brilliant!

john pritchard sitting with weavers in Ghana


I am John, and I have spent much of the last 8 years running my own ethical and sustainable eyewear brand, Pala. I learned first-hand how to introduce sustainable and ethical practices and policies into my business and in doing so, Pala won a number of awards for our approach. We were one of first 300 B Corps in the UK.

Now I want to share my passion for people and planet to help other businesses with their sustainability journey.

Where I Can Help

Sustainability strategy

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B Corp certification

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Impact report writing

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“Commit yourself to do whatever it is you can contribute in order to create a healthy and sustainable future – the world needs you desperately.”

John Denver

Get started with illume today.